Here are some projects POV has been working on.
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Ubuntu Linux website

Ubuntu is a free, open source operating system that starts with the breadth of Debian and adds regular releases (every six months), a clear focus on the user and usability (it should "Just Work", TM) and a commitment to security updates with 18 months of support for every release. Ubuntu ships with the latest Gnome release as well as a selection of server and desktop software that makes for a comfortable desktop experience off a single installation CD.
POV has implemented the design of a contest winner as a Plone skin for a previous version of this website.

SchoolTool is a universal school administration platform, developed under an open source licence with funding from The Shuttleworth Foundation.
SchoolTool is currently licensed under the General Public License (GPL), and you are allowed to download it, use it as you see fit, modify the code and redistribute it under the terms of the GPL.
POV are the lead developers on this project.

CipherHealth provides an interactive and friendly patient discharge follow-up program that addresses clinical/service recovery, reduces readmissions, and increases patient satisfaction. This is implemented as an automated phonecall platform for clinical patient discharge follow-up (HIPAA compliant). Highly customizable.
PoV co-developed core functionality of the phonecall platform. This included developing components: developed a high-performance callback server on Pyramid; developed a multiprocess webserver with shared state; integrated application with data warehousing Pentaho; developed an internal PostgreSQL schema migration framework; developed a UI builder based on ZCA (auto saving configuration in git repository); migrated part of system database to MongoDB; prototyped use of DRBD for failover; implemented data encryption (NIST-compliant key management infrastructure) in PostgreSQL, ZODB; created a server introspection tools to profile HTTP requests, server thread states; switched codebase VCS from SVN to GIT; worked on resizing virtual maschines using 2 levels of LVM; (geeky) made a hack to show Mako template content in python tracebacks ( Technologies used: Python, Zope3, Pyramid, JavaScript, WSGI middlewear, NgynX, paste, supervisor, Trac, bitten, Jenkins, buildout, Ziltch, custom logger's SMTP handler, PostgreSQL, SVN, GIT.
PoV team remotely joined a project management and a tech lead in US.
Global Solutions Ltd.

Global Solutions Ltd. - develops business and organization of clients, implanting system and innovative solutions.
PoV created a survey business platform A bespoke software platform for a larger HR company that provides survey service for smaller companies.
A fixed-price product in two iterations: analyzed requirements, designed the product, developed, tested, and deployed the product. Components: WYSIWIG survey builder-editor that allows arbitrary survey creation with texts and controls, an internal CRM, automated test result calculations, different access levels, branding, reporting, data export. Technologies used: Python, Django, TinyMCE, Twitter Boostrap (LESS CSS), ReportLab, MySQL, buildout, Apache, WSGI, nose test. Duration: ¼ year.
Open End AS

Open End AB is a Gothenburg based company that develops and markets systems that support information management and related services. They offer products for helpdesk and customer support and case management based on their own application platform.
PoV developed an internal product for managing application instances (frontend). The tool creates application instances from a configuration stored in PostgreSQL. PoV team members remotely joined a team of developers/managers in Sweden for a duration of up to 9 months with occasional sprints on-site. Components developed: a testsuite that creates virtual machines, installs, and runs tests; performance graphing. Technologies: Pylons (Pyramid), RRDTool, setuptools, PostgreSQL, Python.

Online 360 degree feedback is designed to help individuals and organisations to improve their skills and overall performance. It can also be used as a means of tracking performance improvement.
Ivija SaaS is a highly customizable platform used by both bigger HR consulting companies as well as by individual organizations.
Designed, built, and maintained by PoV. Written in Python on Zope3, 9X% test coverage. Using both functional and unit tests.

A laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
PoV developed a copycat product (of Bika LIMS) that resulted in speeding up client's staff workflow by 10+ times.
PoV delivered a product lifecycle in full: design, mockups, prototype, iteratiions, user testing, deployment, sysadminning, maintenance development. Components: internal CRM, complex pricing (e-shop-like), automated analysis result calculation, formula customization, billing, reporting, multi-level access, attachments, multilingual. Technologies: Python, Django, AJAX, Twitter Boostrap (LESS CSS), ReportLab, nose test, jsdom for JS testing, Buildout, WSGI, Apache, Cron, PostgreSQL. Test coverage 7x%. Used agile methods in the process.

Keas combines the best of social media and online games to create happier, healthier, more engaged workforces.
PoV remotely augmented a US team for Pyramid consulting.
Compass PDR

An HR tool used by one of the world's largest corporate law firms based in UK.
PoV extended an existing product into a corporate-grade. High reliability: less than 5 bug reports per year while loaded by thousands of users. Developed as a bespoke software, provided as a SaaS for the past 6+ years. Highly pluggable, includes custom workflow configuration with different simultaneous workflows. Seamlessly integrates a stand-alone Compass360 tool. Integration with with 3rd party corporate software. Custom yearly modifications. PoV also provided first and second lever customer support.
Compass Ltd.

Compass Ltd. provides an international management performance service to a large number of global and UK blue chip companies, local and national government bodies, public sector organisations and management development consultancies online.
PoV provides IT-as-a-service for Compass Ltd. for 9 years. It developed a suite of HR tools and provides it as a service (SaaS). PoV also develops and takes care of a website, servers, first and second level customer support.

GTimeLog is a small Gtk+ app that is used to keep track of activities. It's main goal is to be as unintrusive as possible. GTimeLog was written by Marius Gedminas. It is released under the terms of the GNU GPL. Currently it is used by POV and some people in Canonical Ltd to keep track of their work activities.
ZODB Browser

ZODB Browser is an interactive Zope Object Database inspection tool. It allows you to visually explore the contents and history of all persistent ZODB objects. You can use it as a stand alone web application to explore a Data.fs file, or integrate it into your Zope Toolkit application.
ZODB Browser is Open Source software, published under the Zope Public Licence.
Open Society Justice Initiative website

A website on law reform activities grounded in the protection of human rights. It contributes to the development of legal capacity for open societies. The Justice Initiative combines litigation, legal advocacy, technical assistance, and the dissemination of knowledge to secure advances in five priority areas: national criminal justice, international justice, freedom of information and expression, equality and citizenship, and anticorruption. The website is operated by Open Society Institute in consultation with Soros foundation.
POV was developing and maintaining this website for 6 years.
Canonical Ltd website

Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. Canonical is a global organisation headquartered in the Isle of Man, with employees throughout Europe, North America, South America and Australia.
POV has implemented a Plone skin design for a previous version of the website.