
The first prototype of geximon was a gdesklet. A newer version of geximon (0.2) is available. It is a standalone Gtk2 application.

The desklet looks like this:
geximon screenshot
On the top you can see the same five graphs displayed by the original eximon (queue, in, out, local, smtp). Below that you can see the message queue (frozen messages are in red, active messages are in white). On the bottom part you see the last messages from the exim log file.

Here are a few more screenshots of the geximon desklet (click on the thumbnails to get a full-size image):

Screenshot 1
As you can see geximon allows you to manage messages in the exim queue with a popup menu.

Screenshot 1
Here you can see geximon and the original eximon in the background.

Screenshot 1
Geximon configuration.

Screenshot 1
You can also select your favourite fonts and colours.

geximon is written in Python. The source code is available under the GNU General Public Licence.

Download: geximon-0.01.tar.gz.